Mini Digger Wholesale

Customer Support & Freight

MINIDIGGER WHOLESALE freights AUST-WIDE using a number of freight companys offering OVERNIGHT services for urgent deliveries, or cheaper options if your not in a hurry.

All our freight charges are at the best possible prices, what we get charged is what we charge you.

Freight Aust-Wide
Overnight, Road or Depot Options
Best Possible Prices
CUSTOMER SUPPORT – Being in the Mini loader industry for nearly 20 years , we are more than happy to help with GENERAL ADVICE including TROUBLE SHOOTING PROBLEMS you might have with your DINGO. As most owners are fixing there own machines because of there remote location or the lack of service agents, choosing the right parts and advice on how to fit these parts is crucial, WE ARE HERE TO HELP.
20 Years Experience
General Advice
Break Down Trouble Shooting
Choosing The Right Parts
Parts Fitting Advice